Blade Runner 1982 M

3.00 pm, Sun 13 Mar 2016 (117 mins)
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Gallery of Modern Art, Cinema A
Los Angeles, 2019: a rainy dystopia choking with neon. Ex-policeman Rick Deckard (Harrison Ford) returns to service to hunt and terminate illegal-bioengineered replicants. Created by humans, the replicants are treated as aliens, slaves with a four-year life span, manufactured to help colonise space. Deckhard hunts four fugitives, who return to Earth in their own existential quest for personal freedom. Based on the Philip K Dick 1968 novel "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?", Blade Runner couples the conventions of science fiction and film noir, to create a dark world where cyborgs can display more humanity than the humans who hunt them.
M | Medium level violence
Production Credits
- Director: Ridley Scott
- Script: Hampton Fancher, David Webb Peoples
- Based on: the novel by Philip K. Dick
- Cinematographer: Jordan Cronenweth
- Cast: Harrison Ford, Sean Young, Daryl Hannah
- Editor: Marsha Nakashima
- Music: Vangelis
- Print Source: Roadshow Films
- Rights: Roadshow Films
- Screening Format: DCP (Digital Cinema Projection), 35mm
- Year: 1982
- Runtime: 117 minutes
- Countries: USA, Hong Kong
- Languages: English, German, Cantonese, Japanese, Hungarian
- Subtitles: English
- Sound: Dolby
- Colour: Colour