Madonna Staunton Out of a Clear Blue Sky

30 Aug 2014 – 1 Mar 2015
Queensland Art Gallery
Queensland artist Madonna Staunton has made a major contribution to Australian modernism over five decades. Esteemed for her collage and assemblage work — often noted for its complex lineage of Dada, Constructivist, Fluxus and Abstract Expressionist precedents — Staunton more recently committed her famed eloquence to figurative painting. These late representational works make evident the weighty insights that can come with age and deep reflection.
Beginning with her earliest colour field abstracts of the 1960s, 'Out of a clear blue sky' searches through Staunton's whole career for preludes and connections to this return to painting. The exhibition suggests the artist has always taken on the concerns and interests of a painter, albeit one that has often worked with unconventional materials.