APT10 Extended

Kamruzzaman Shadhin, Bangladesh b.1974 / Gidree Bawlee Foundation of Arts Bangladesh, est. 2001; Collaborating artists: Johura Begum, Monowara Begum, Majeda Begum, Fatema Begum (1), Shabnur Begum, Chayna Begum, Fatema Begum (2), Samiron Begum, Shirina Begum, Rekha, Nasima Begum, Shushila Rani, Protima Rani, Akalu Barman / The fibrous souls 2018–21 / Jute, cotton, thread, clay, brass / 70 pots: 40–100cm each (diam.) (approx.) with 70 shikas of various dimensions / Originally commissioned by Samdani Art Foundation / Purchased 2021 with funds from Metamorphic Foundation through the Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art Foundation / Collection: Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art / © The artists / View full image
26 Apr – 19 Jun 2022
Queensland Art Gallery & Gallery of Modern Art
APT10: Extended at QAG and GOMA included a selection of installations, paintings, sculptures, photographs, and video from ‘The 10th Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art’. It presented a snapshot of the most exciting contemporary work being produced in the region.