How did we install Tomás Saraceno’s Biospheres?
Tomás Saraceno is renowned for his ambitious sculptures and installations that take the form of webs and interconnected spheres or bubbles. His work is influenced by ideas of networking and ecology, looking to the systems and forms found in nature as the basis for his work. He has an ongoing interest in the structure of spiders’ webs and their adaptability to the changing environment, the complex structures mirrored in these works are salient symbols for the interconnectedness of ecosystems.
Watch: The install of Tomás Saraceno’s Biospheres
Tomás Saraceno ‘Biosphere cluster’

Tomás Saraceno, Argentina b.1973 / Biosphere 02 2009 / PVC, rope, nylon monofilament, acrylic, Tillandsia plants, air pressure regulator system, hydration system / Purchased 2014 with funds from Tim Fairfax, AC, through the Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art Foundation / Collection: Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art / © Tomás Saraceno / View full image

Tomás Saraceno, Argentina b.1973 / Biosphere cluster 2009 / PVC, rope, nylon monofilament, acrylic, Tillandsia plants, air pressure regulator system, hydration system / Purchased 2014 with funds from Tim Fairfax, AC, through the Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art Foundation / Collection: Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art / © Tomás Saraceno / View full image
DELVE DEEPER: Tomás Saraceno’s Biospheres
Saraceno presents his installations as designs for floating dwellings and parks. Biosphere 02 contains Tillandsia plants, a type of Bromeliad that is native to the Americas. They receive all of their nutrients from water and air, so thrive in a closed ecosystem, such as the floating garden created by Saraceno. We are invited to imagine industrialised cities with similar floating bubbles containing gardens hovering above the ground to offer new green spaces.