Education Resource: ‘The 8th Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art (APT8)’

Anida Yoeu Ali, Cambodia/USA b.1974 / The Buddhist Bug, Into the Night (still) 2015 / 2-channel HD video projection, 7:00 minutes (looped), colour, sound, ed. of 5 / A project of Studio Revolt. Concept and performance: AnidaYoeu Ali; Video: Masahiro Sugano / Commissioned for APT8. The Kenneth and Yasuko Myer Collection of Contemporary Asian Art. Purchased 2015 with funds from Michael Sidney Myer through the Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art Foundation / Collection: Queensland Art Gallery / © The artist / View full image
The Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art (APT) is QAGOMA's flagship exhibition focused on the work of Asia, the Pacific and Australia. This eighth edition (APT8) emphasised the role of performance in recent art, with live actions, video, kinetic art, figurative painting and sculpture exploring the use of the human form to express cultural, social and political ideas, and the central role of artists in articulating experiences specific to their localities. APT8 included more than 80 artists and groups, and an ongoing program of artist performances and projects.
Featuring artist and artwork information plus images and videos of APT8 curators discussing key works (Auslan and Closed Captioned videos also available)
Student worksheets
Student worksheets (level specific) with questions for investigation:
Teacher Resources
Teacher Resources with curriculum information and classroom activities:
Short videos of APT8 curators discussing key works in the School Resource:
Introduction to APT8
Yumi Danis (We Dance) project
Digital classroom resource
APT8 Q&A for Secondary Schools | Auslan Interpreted