Whether realised through the precisely executed paintings for which he is best known, or through digital photography, video, performance or sculpture, Michael Zavros’s body of work is carefully and thoughtfully composed. While many are drawn to its largely undisturbed world of luxury, order and beauty, we are left to wonder about its deeper meaning or intent.

‘The Favourite’ profiles significant thematic explorations of this leading contemporary Queensland artist, including fashion, European palaces, his children, self-portraits and still life.

About the resource

This resource includes information about the artist and his practice, a thematic framework for exploring his body of work, ideas for making and responding, and curriculum links.

Teacher tip: Print pages from the 'Themes' section (pages 4-10) to support student learning during your visit or in the classroom. This section features four themes (Materialism, The Self, Male Code, and Alternate Realities) with selected works accompanied by quotes from the artist.