Boomerang 2006 was originally the centrepiece of Ai Weiwei’s participation in ‘The 5th Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art’ (APT5). An extravagant, tiered, waterfall-style chandelier shaped after the titular throwing tool, with a span of more than eight metres and a drop of seven, it had an imposing presence as it hung above the water in the Queensland Art Gallery, anchoring a display of some of the artist’s most iconic works.
Ai Weiwei ‘Boomerang’ 2006
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Ai Weiwei, China b.1957 / Boomerang 2006 / Glass lustres, plated steel, electric cables, incandescent lamps / 700 x 860 x 290cm / Gift of the artist through the Queensland Art Gallery Foundation 2007 / Collection: Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art / © Ai Weiwei / View full image
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Ai Weiwei, China b.1957 / Boomerang 2006 / Glass lustres, plated steel, electric cables, LED lamps / 700 x 860 x 290cm / Gift of the artist through the QAG Foundation 2007 / Collection: Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art, Brisbane / © Ai Weiwei / View full image
Ai Weiwei has long acknowledged the influence of Marcel Duchamp, a key figure in the Dada and surrealist movements of the early twentieth century. Ai encountered Duchamp’s work first-hand after arriving in New York in 1981 as a young artist, and he was deeply impressed with the wit and irreverence of the Dadaist’s ‘ready-mades’.
Challenges to convention like Duchamp’s iconic Fountain 1917 opened up new possibilities for art, while highlighting the ways in which an object’s value and meaning can shift when it changes context. Accordingly, Boomerang takes the chandelier, with its connotations of wealth and opulence, and enlarges it to absurd scale, shaping it into the form of an object associated with exotic conceptions of Australia.
Zico Albaiquni ‘The Imbroglio Tropical Paradise’ 2018
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Zico Albaiquni, Indonesia b.1987 / The Imbroglio Tropical Paradise 2018 / Oil, synthetic polymer paint and giclée on canvas / 120 x 80cm / Purchased 2018. Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art Foundation / Collection: Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art, Brisbane / © Zico Albaiquni / View full image
Complementing Ai Weiwei’s extravagant gesture are works by Asian artists who similarly alter and re-contextualise objects and images between different frameworks. Tuan Andrew Nguyen’s painting series ‘Proposal for a Vietnamese landscape’ depicts the profusion of visual information filling city walls and public spaces in Vietnam, where officially sanctioned propaganda murals sit side by side with consumer advertising, stencilling and graffiti.
Zico Albaiquni’s canvases similarly borrow imagery from disparate sources; from the acclaimed nineteenth-century Indonesian painter Raden Saleh, to museum dioramas, tourist art, signature works by contemporary Indonesian artists and installation views from international exhibitions such as the Venice Biennale or Indonesian works at the inaugural Asia Pacific Triennial in 1993. Though pictorially fictive, Nguyen and Albaiquini’s multilayered compositions reflect real-world complexities, be they ideological systems or artistic inheritance.
Teppei Kaneuji ‘White discharge (Built-up objects #24)’ 2013
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Teppei Kaneuji, Japan b.1978 / White discharge (Built-up objects #24) 2013 / Found objects, resin, glue / 128 x 110 x 40cm / Purchased 2013. Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art Foundation / Collection: Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art, Brisbane / © Teppei Kaneuji / View full image
Erbossyn Meldibekov ‘Seasons in the Hindu Kush – Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter’ 2009–11
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Erbossyn Meldibekov, Kazakhstan b.1964 / Seasons in the Hindu Kush – Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter 2009–11 / Metal, enamel / Spring: 32 x 39 x 31.5cm; Summer: 20 x 35 x 29cm; Autumn: 31.5 x 39.5 x 31.5cm; Winter: 16 x 50.5cm (diam.) / Purchased 2012. Queensland Art Gallery / Collection: Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art, Brisbane / © Erbossyn Meldibekov / View full image
Teppei Kaneuji’s semi-abstract assemblages also reflect the abundance of imagery and consumer products in contemporary life. Kaneuji’s wall-mounted sculpture White discharge (Built-up objects #24) 2013 consists of a host of low-cost plastic objects arranged with careful attention to shape and colour under a unifying layer of lumpy white resin. The components, designed for very practical purposes, have been stripped of their function in this new configuration, foregrounding their formal characteristics.
In contrast, Erbossyn Meldibekov’s Seasons in the Hindu Kush – Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter 2009 repurposes functional objects into a figurative landscape. In this work, four Soviet-era cooking pots are battered and crushed to create shifting views of the great mountain system of Central Asia. The mountainous setting inspiring the work remains a site of military and social significance. Though the work has an element of Duchampian drollness, these pots bear the traces of a powerful force, implying a manifestation of violence.
Rudi Mantofani ‘Nada yang hilang (The lost note)’ 2008
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Rudi Mantofani, Indonesia b.1973 / Nada yang hilang (The lost note) 2008 / Wood, metal, leather and oil / 80 x 120 x 119cm / The Kenneth and Yasuko Myer Collection of Contemporary Asian Art. Purchased 2010 with funds from Michael Sidney Myer through the Queensland Art Gallery Foundation / Collection: Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art, Brisbane / © Rudi Mantofani / View full image
Nada yang hilang (The lost note) 2008 by Yogyakarta-based Rudi Mantofani is not actually a readymade, but rather a meticulously crafted, horseshoe-shaped melding of nine electric guitars. An absurdist parody of the multi-necked instruments of classic rock indulgence, it is arranged in such a way as to be physically unplayable. Nevertheless, its slick finish and clean lines suggest a degree of homage for the guitar as a highly fetishised pop-cultural symbol. Considered in the context contemporary Indonesia, it evokes further tensions between imported consumer culture and traditional social values.
Luyan Wang ‘Bicycle (20) – 1996 no.15/20’ 1996
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Luyan Wang, China b.1956 / Bicycle (20) – 1996 no.15/20 1996 / Enamel paint on bicycle / 97 x 168 x 58cm / Gift of Gordon Craig through the Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art Foundation 2018. Donated through the Australian Government’s Cultural Gifts Program / Collection: Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art, Brisbane / © Luyan Wang / View full image
Bicycle (20) – 1996 no. 15/20 1996 is one of the 20 ‘post-reform’ bicycles that were included in Wang Luyan’s installation Bicycle (20) – 1996 in the second Asia Pacific Triennial in 1996–97. Sourced in Brisbane from members of the public, the bikes were ‘reformed’ with a coat of red paint covering every component, including their tyres, and the addition of a second rear flywheel that caused them to travel backwards when pedalled forwards. They were examples of the artist’s predilection for creating paradoxical machines, altering the inner workings of common machinery so that internal forces would cancel each other out. For Wang, this negation of purpose and utility expresses his deeply held suspicion toward established ideas and systems, a sensibility common to the selection of errant objects assembled for this exhibition.
Reuben Keehan is Curator, Contemporary Asian Art, QAGOMA
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Danish–Icelandic artist Olafur Eliasson is known for big productions. The weather project — a huge fake sun in the Tate’s Turbine Hall — brought him attention in the early 2000s, and since then he has undertaken increasingly ambitious installations. In 2019 for the exhibition ‘Water’, QAGOMA invited Eliasson to reprise one of his largest projects, in which he re-creates a rocky stream inside a gallery, complete with flowing water. Working with his interdisciplinary studio of over 100 craftspeople, architects, archivists and filmmakers, QAGOMA and Eliasson brings a glacial landscape to Brisbane.
Eliasson was born to Icelandic parents living in Copenhagen. When he was a child, his father moved back to Iceland, where the artist would go on to spend each summer holiday. Riverbed is his attempt to capture the Icelandic streams of his youth, and the soft grey light so particular to this northern country. The artist has often worked with water: in Green river 1998–2001, he turned six rivers a vivid green using the water-soluble dye uranine; and in New York City waterfalls 2008, he created four artificial waterfalls off bridges across the East River.
We felt there was something special about Riverbed. The water in the work is quieter; it takes time to discover the flowing stream amongst the tonnes of grey rock. As Barlow remarks, Riverbed was selected, in part, because it speaks to the Australian experience of drought and our worries about the future:
Eliasson has made so many works that relate to water. What attracted me to Riverbed was its relevance to the Australian experience of drought and complex cycles of time: the beginning of time and the end of time; linear flow or circular flow. Also the experiential and interactive quality — allowing us to touch water, not just see it.
The work was first commissioned for the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, just north of Copenhagen. QAGOMA’s iteration is the artist’s first attempt to remake the work, almost 15 500 kilometres from the original. Last year, Barlow visited Eliasson’s studio in Berlin to pitch for a second showing of Riverbed:
It’s an incredibly ambitious work and not one the artist was planning to revisit, certainly not so far away. We had to convince the artist’s gallery, then his studio, that we were the right museum to tackle a project like this. It’s very unusual to have the talented team of designers that we do at QAGOMA.
Riverbed is now the result of global collaboration. For over a year, our in-house team of exhibition designers, builders and carpenters have worked in tandem with the artist’s studio. Through many emails, Skype discussions and intricate 3-D modelling, the two teams have developed a vast river topography in response to GOMA’s architecture.
This monumental installation disrupts the gallery space, appearing to be plucked straight from nature. Exhibition designer Megan Franks has worked closely with the artist’s studio to achieve this uncanny effect. She describes the many elements that come together in Eliasson’s installation:
Riverbed is created by building a hand-cut timber-truss support frame, lined with waterproofing material, geotextile fabric, and covered by over 100 tonnes of sand, small river pebbles and large hand-selected basalt rocks.
It’s also fitted with pump systems to regulate the flow of water through the channel.
The foundations of the work follow the standard building techniques found in architecture — timber studs and frames — just on a very large scale. We are always sourcing varied materials working with different artists, but this has been one of the largest sourcing projects I have worked on!
In the original version of Riverbed, Eliasson imported Icelandic stones to Denmark, but from early discussions, it was clear that the same could not be done here. Over many months, Franks contacted local landscaping suppliers and tested small samples of rock that arrived on her desk. Her hunt for the perfect stones required much trial and error, from measuring samples against real Icelandic stones to testing the durability of different types of black sand. She explains:
It was quite difficult to find stones that matched the volcanic aesthetic in a specific shade of grey . . . We wanted rocks that achieved the same basalt and volcanic nature of the stones while also being sourced from local suppliers.
When we were first sourcing the rocks, the show had not been publicly announced, so we had to explain the exhibition to suppliers, and they thought, ‘Oh yeah, so a few bags of rock?’ They were quite taken aback when I replied, ‘No, enough to cover 600 metres squared!’
The majority of the rocks come from Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria, with some harder-to-find pebbles from suppliers in the Asia Pacific region. The decision to go with local and regional rock supplies was not just to abate logistical concerns; the art world is increasingly conscious of its own environmental impact, with material waste, shipping across the world, and numerous flights all contributing to the worsening climate emergency. How to achieve this work — which invites us to think deeply about nature — without harming the environment in the process In other words, how do we make a metaphor responsibly?
Of course, this is the broader challenge — both ethically and practically — of bringing international art to Australia. Restaging Riverbed also required particular ingenuity in design. GOMA’s architecture is of a markedly different time and place to the modernist Louisiana Museum in which the work was first presented. Our building does not invite the same meandering pathways and its double-height spaces tower over the Louisiana’s domestic scale. These differences posed a new problem for Eliasson’s studio. In the second iteration of Riverbed, the question was not only ‘how to bring the outside landscape inside’, but also, ‘how to bring a foreign landscape inside a significantly different space’. As such, the work takes on a new look, and a new meaning, in ‘Water’.
Win Schubert was one of this Gallery’s greatest friends and most ardent and involved donors, gifting and supporting work that always encouraged and lifted our ambition. Win truly believed in the potential of art to touch lives, to open minds and excite the imagination. And, at its best, to bring people together in shared curiosity and wonder. I genuinely think Win understood the mystery of art, but she also knew her way around the art world.
These three works honour and continue that spirit, even if they could hardly be more different in their scale and the method of their making. Yet there are three things that bind them closely, three things that hint at the direction we hope to take as this Trust Collection grows from this beginning.
The first is that Olafur Eliasson, Fiona Hall and Tacita Dean are all mid-late career artists who have remained consistently inventive for decades. Each has represented their country at the Venice Biennale, and each is represented in some of the world’s most significant public and private collections. Their inclusion in major solo and group exhibitions is similarly deep and wide — they have built substantial and enduring reputations at home and abroad. We chose their work to form the foundation of the Trust Collection because they are singular artists of great distinction and deserved acclaim in the global art world.
Olafur Eliasson ‘Riverbed’ 2014
Fiona Hall Australian set’ 1998–99
Tacita Dean ‘Chalk Fall’ 2018
Second, they are artists who all have a thorough command of scale, one of art’s least well understood attributes. It shifts register from the jewellery-like intimacy of Hall’s sardine tins; to the reach of Dean’s wall-based chalk mural; to the gallery-scaled drama of Eliasson’s installation.
Looking at Fiona Hall’s work from any distance is entirely unhelpful. It’s impossible to absorb the humour with which she has defined dual zones to counterpoint erogenous body parts and botanical species, or to read the coded languages of their titles. Using a repoussé technique to work her aluminium — engraving, chasing and burnishing in the tradition of the colonial silversmith — she has cut and hammered out two astonishing series of works. Taken together with their companion series, held in the National Gallery of Victoria and National Gallery of Australia, they confirm her place in the story of contemporary art.
Watch | Fiona Hall ‘Australian set’ 1998–99 and ‘Sri Lankan set’ 1999 (from ‘Paradisus Terrestris’ series)
Fiona Hall Australian set’ 1998–99
Tacita Dean holds a similar place, a British artist who in 2018 had her work shown simultaneously at the London National Gallery, the National Portrait Gallery and the Royal Academy of Arts. Her commanding, mural-scaled chalk drawings reach across time to summon up the sublime landscapes of JMW Turner, but expand even his imposing scale to cinematic proportions. For all their majestic grandeur, these monumental chalk drawings are intensely personal, diaristic palimpsests, of which this is perhaps the most personal of them all. Looking at Tacita Dean’s work will take distance and closeness when it debuts in ‘Air’ this coming summer.
Olafur Eliasson’s work, moreover, has already featured in ‘Water’, which we presented over the 2019-20 summer. Like Dean’s and Cai Guo-Qiang’s Heritage before it, it is a meditation on the impact of climate change, as it has affected the artist’s home in Iceland and as it continues to affect the world. By staging a reimagined landscape at 1:1 scale in the museum, Eliasson asks us to reconsider how we think about both nature and culture, precisely as Hall has done. This time, looking requires walking into and through the work itself.
Thirdly, the thing common to each of these works is the beautiful and surprising way in which they reveal their mystery through the most basic of materials. As Hall lifts sardine tins and drink cans to new aesthetic and iconographic heights; Dean pushes white chalk far beyond its mundane purpose; and Eliasson recasts the natural world. There is for each, expressed in their conceptual approach and revealed through the humble materiality of their work, a belief in the power of artistic alchemy.
For this announcement, we were delighted to receive video messages from Olafur Eliasson and Tacita Dean, and to be joined in person at the Gallery by Fiona Hall, and to hear each artist speak about the ideas and processes behind these important works of art.
This is an edited excerpt of a speech given by QAGOMA Director Chris Saines CNZM for the announcement of the inaugural acquisitions for The Josephine Ulrick and Win Schubert Charitable Trust Collection at the Queensland Art Gallery on Friday 27 May 2022.
Watch | Tacita Dean ‘Chalk Fall’ 2018
Tacita Dean, United Kingdom b.1965 / Chalk Fall 2018 / Chalk on blackboard / Nine panels: 121.9 x 243.8cm (each); 365.8 x 731.5cm (overall) / Purchased 2021. The Josephine Ulrick and Win Schubert Charitable Trust / Collection: The Josephine Ulrick and Win Schubert Charitable Trust, Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art / © Tacita Dean
Watch | Olafur Eliasson ‘Riverbed’ 2014
Olafur Eliasson, Denmark b.1967 / Riverbed 2014 / Water, rock (volcanic stones (blue basalt, basalt, lava, other stones, gravel, sand), wood, steel, plastic sheeting, hose, pumps / Purchased 2021. The Josephine Ulrick and Win Schubert Charitable Trust / Collection: The Josephine Ulrick and Win Schubert Charitable Trust, Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art / © Olafur Eliasson