Contemporary Asian Collection

Yuan Goang-Ming, Taiwan b.1965 / Disappearing Landscape - Passing II 2011 / Three-channel HD video installation: 16:9, 9:14 minutes, colour, stereo / Purchased 2012. Collection: Queensland Art Gallery / © The artist / View full image
7 May – 9 Oct 2016
Gallery of Modern Art, Gallery 3.1
A selection of paintings, video works and sculpture from the contemporary Asian collection is on display, including works by Chatchai Puipia, Pinaree Sanpitak and Charwei Tsai, as well as Yuan Goang-Ming's three-channel video installation Disappearing Landscape – Passing II 2011.
Disappearing Landscape – Passing II is three-channel HD video installation by Taiwanese artist Yuan Goang-Ming. Yuan often draws on personal experience in creating his works, and this powerful installation reflects on the relationships and links between his own past, present and future.
This work was created at a time of great emotion in Yuan's life, as his father passed away four months after his daughter was born. A meditation on time and memory, the film shows Yuan's home and the surrounding landscape through continuous linear sequences, using the movement of the camera and shifting film speeds to evoke acts of seeing, feeling and remembering. The work builds on the contrast between the warmth of his family life – including the reconstruction of his late father's study, his own apartment and the camphor tree in his garden – with unsettling scenes of the sea, speeding roads and the debris accumulated in abandoned neighbouring houses.