Looking Out, Looking In Exploring the Self-Portrait

Cindy Sherman, United States b. 1954 / Untitled (detail) 2007–08 / Colour photograph mounted on aluminium / 158.6 x 177.8cm / Purchased 2011 with funds from Tim Fairfax AM through the Queensland Art Gallery Foundation / Collection: Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art / © Cindy Sherman / View full image
11 Mar – 6 Aug 2023
Queensland Art Gallery, Gallery 4
Contemporary society has become increasingly attuned to the self-image through social media’s 'selfie' culture and reality TV, providing a fascinating backdrop in which to examine the self-portrait today.
'Looking Out, Looking In' explores the genre of the self-portrait, a distinct form of portraiture in which subject and artist are one. The exhibition examines the human tendency to envisage oneself. While some of the artists look inwards and reflect on themselves in self-effacing ways, or may just be intrigued by their own image, others seek to project an image or identity in more flamboyant displays.