Kids' Apt 5

Visitors participating in activity for Kids APT5 / View full image
2 Dec 2006 – 27 May 2007
Queensland Art Gallery & Gallery of Modern Art, Children's Art Centre
For Kids' APT5, 13 interactive and engaging art projects have been created by artists for children, which are displayed in the original Gallery building as well as in the major galleries and dedicated Children's Art Centre spaces at GOMA. There are also special artwork labels, a free full-colour activity book and tours for kids, all helping young visitors to engage with the art works on display.
Scoots the green turtle is the Kids' APT5 mascot guiding children around the exhibition. Sharing the same waters as the APT5 artists, Scoots's migratory pattern brought him to Queensland at just the right time for APT5.
Khadim Ali the Bamiyan Drawing Project
Khadim Ali's homeland of Bamiyan, a region in central Afghanistan, is the subject of this project which features striking drawings of the area by local children. Collected by the artist following a series of drawing classes and workshops he conducted at Bamiyan schools, the drawings convey the children's impressions of their immediate environment and its recent history, and offer young APT5 viewers an insight into the lives of Afghanistani children.
Justine Cooper The Call of the Wild
The call of the wild is a computer touch screen game set in a natural history museum corridor lined with cabinets, like those that feature in some of Justine Cooper's art works. The aim of the game is to set the animals free from the museum and return them to their natural habitat. Elements of popular children's games such as hide-and-seek, and memory and matching activities have been incorporated, making The call of the wild a fun and appealing interactive for kids.
Ex De Medici Tattoo Shop
Australian artist eX de Medici is also a tattooist. This summer it's going to be hard to find any cooler accessory than one of eX's custom-designed, free Kids' APT temporary tattoos. Kids can choose from a crowned skull, a sweet blue bird, a cheeky monkey or a curious cat, and marvel at the detailed designs of both the tattoos and the artist's watercolour paintings in the exhibition.
Bharti Kher Nothing is Ordinary
In India the bindi is traditionally a symbolic mark of pigment applied to the forehead. Today it has become a fashionable and decorative accessory available in many colours and designs, and is used by Indian artist Bharti Kher in some of her art works. Children can wear one of the artist's specially designed bindis for kids and everyone will know they've been to Kids' APT.
Sutee Kunavichayanont Classroom Upside Down
School will never be the same after children experience Sutee Kunavichayanont's 'classroom' created for Kids' APT. Turning school tables upside down and conventional ideas on their head, the artist's carvings of animals, buildings and people combine different cultural sources — encouraging children to look at familiar things in new ways and to think about how different cultures might interact. Children can participate in the art work by making rubbings of all the carved surfaces.
Kwon Ki-Soo Run Run Run
A mischievous character called Dongguri appears in artist Kwon Ki-soo's paintings, animations and installations. For Kids' APT the artist invites children to interact with this colourful character in a playful environment. Children can manipulate hundreds of Dongguris made out of foam — creating and recreating different versions of the artist's cheeky creature.
Dennis Nona Gitalai (Mud Crabs) and The Witch
Children are invited to re-tell the Torres Strait Island story of a young girl who hunts for gitalai (mud crabs) and encounters a nasty witch. Using special pictures designed by the artist, children can create their own version of the story and gain an insight into the importance of storytelling in Dennis Nona's art and Torres Strait Island culture.
Eko Nugroho Postcard Project and Mural
Children and young people are invited to collaborate with APT5 artist Eko Nugroho in a project called Trick me please! to create postcards when visiting the exhibition. Completed postcards can be kept as a memento or sent to friends and family. For Kids' APT the artist also worked with Queensland high school students to develop a mural called What do you want? for GoMA's Park Entrance.
Tsuyoshi Ozawa Everyone likes someone as you like someone
Japanese artist Tsuyoshi Ozawa's Everyone likes someone as you like someone is a 'mountain-sized' pile of futon cushions installed in the Gallery — just right for children to climb over or sit on to draw pictures of their favourite people. The artist invites children to swap their drawings for one made by a child in Japan; drawings left at the Gallery may be used by Tsuyoshi Ozawa in future projects.
John Pule Drawing Words
John Pule is an artist, writer and poet whose art works often combine words and images. For Kids' APT he will present a large-scale collaborative drawing project. Engaging with Niuean (South Pacific) legends and culture, children can draw their interpretations of words provided by the artist for display in the Gallery.
Nusra Latif Qureshi Enchanted Spaces
Enchanted spaces highlights the quiet concentration involved in the drawing and painting of miniatures. Children can work with imagery chosen by Nusra Latif Qureshi, carefully tracing outlines of animal shapes and patterns on a backlit table to see their own unique composite drawings take shape.
Talvin Singh I am Talvin Singh
I am Talvin Singh will unearth budding young DJs. By activating a range of sounds and videos in this touch screen interactive, children can experiment with many music patterns and sequences. Featuring traditional Indian instruments and contemporary technology, kids can mix it up to make their own blend of music and video.
Yang Zhenzhong Light and Easy (Brisbane)
Chinese artist Yang Zhenzhong recreates the visual spectacle of his 'Light and easy' series of photographs — but this time with APT kids in the picture. Using a little behind-the-scenes technological wizardry, participating children look like they are balancing a huge object on their fingertip. This illusion can then be captured on camera and emailed home or to a friend.
Kids' APT Summer Spectacular
The Kids' APT Summer Spectacular is a 16-day festival of activities from 10.30am to 2.30pm daily, from Saturday 13 January to Sunday 28 January at the new Gallery of Modern Art and new-look Queensland Art Gallery, South Bank.
Tours for Kids
11.30am (GoMA) & 1.00pm (QAG) every Sunday in February
Kids' tours of APT5 will be offered for children aged four to ten and their family members or carers. The 30-minute tours, which will be interactive and inquiry-based, will explore a small number of works linking to a central theme or idea. Props and storytelling elements will be incorporated, helping children to make links between art works and their own knowledge and experience.
Kids' APT5 will be the first major project of the Gallery's Children's Art Centre in the Gallery of Modern Art.