Lecture 'Kin - PNG Collection'

Mathias Kauage, Papua New Guinea, 1944–2003 / Meri spearim muruk (Woman spears cassowary) 1973 / Enamel on composition board / 90 x 121cm / Gift of Alan and Robyn Pierce through the Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art Foundation 2019 / Collection: Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art / © Estate of Mathias Kauage / View full image
11.00 am – 12.00 pm, Wed 13 Jul 2022
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Gallery of Modern Art
Book for the lecture only component of our monthly Lunch & Lecture. Hear from Ruth McDougall, Curator, Pacific Art, as she introduces the exhibition ‘Kin’, which explores the ways in which contemporary artists in Papua New Guinea draw on traditional kinship structures to create families of support and inspiration for their work. This lecture will look at key works and relationships within the exhibition, delving into the work of Chimbu artist Mathias Kauage alongside those of his family members, and the village that follows him; the kinship structures that exist between key Omie artists from Oro Province; and the familial ties binding members of the Haus Yuriyal collective, led by Yuriyal E Bridgeman. Free for Members, $10 for Members’ guests / Book online, email members@qagoma.qld.gov.au or call (07) 3840 7278