When You Fall into a Trance 2014 Ages 15+

Production still from When You Fall into a Trance 2014 / Director: Emily Wardill / Image courtesy: LUX Film Distribution / View full image
8.00 pm, Wed 19 Jul 2023 (72 mins)Where
Gallery of Modern Art, Cinema A
- Wheelchair Accessible
British Filmmaker and performance artist Emily Wardill’s feature film When You Fall into a Trance, explores the complicated connections between a neuroscientist, an aid worker and a synchronised swimmer to comment on the complex relationship between mind and body.
The film follows a neuroscientist named Dominique, whose primary patient, Simon, is suffering from a condition that affects his ability to comprehend the position and movement of his limbs. In contrast, Dominique’s daughter, Tony, uses her control over her body through the discipline of synchronised swimming, to escape the constraints of her mind. Wardill uses the relationships between the characters to explore the differences between our physical and cerebral selves and the impact that this has on our perception of the world around us.
Awarded the Film London Artists' Moving Image Network Jarman Award in 2010, Emily Wardill has created numerous short and feature films that delve into the themes of mental health, supernatural phenomena and contemporary art and moving image culture. With a specific focus on the failings of language to adequately communicate the complexities of human relationships and expression, Wardill’s films effortlessly capture the individual nature of the imagination.
Ages 15+ | Contains mild nudity, sexual activity and adult themes
Production Credits
- Director: Emily Wardill
- Producer: Emily Wardill
- Script: Emily Wardill
- Cinematographer: Emily Wardill
- Editor: Emily Wardill
- Print Source: LUX Film Distribution
- Rights: LUX Film Distribution
- Shooting Format: Digital
- Screening Format: DCP
- Year: 2014
- Runtime: 72 minutes
- Country: United Kingdom
- Language: English
- Sound: Stereo
- Colour: Colour