Time Bandits 1981 PG

8.00 pm, Fri 19 Jul 2019 (116 mins)
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Gallery of Modern Art, Cinema A
‘In this fantastic voyage through time and space from Terry Gilliam, a boy named Kevin (Craig Warnock) escapes his gadget-obsessed parents to join a band of time-traveling dwarfs. Armed with a map stolen from the Supreme Being (Ralph Richardson), they plunder treasure from Napoleon (Ian Holm) and Agamemnon (Sean Connery)—but the Evil Genius (David Warner) is watching their every move. Featuring a darkly playful script by Gilliam and his Monty Python cohort Michael Palin (who also appears in the film), Time Bandits is at once a giddy fairy tale, a revisionist history lesson, and a satire of technology gone awry.’ Janus Films
Production Credits
- Director: Terry Gilliam
- Script: Terry Gilliam, Michael Palin
- Producer: George Harrison
- Cinematographer: Peter Biziou
- Cast: Sean Connery, Shelley Duvall, Katherine Helmond, Michael Palin, Ian Hom, John Cleese
- Editor: Julian Doyle
- Music: Mike Moran
- Art Director: Norman Garwood
- Costume Designer: James Acheson
- Print Source: Handmade Films
- Rights: Handmade Films
- Screening Format: DCP, 35mm
- Year: 1981
- Runtime: 116 minutes
- Country: United Kingdom
- Language: English
- Sound: Stereo
- Colour: Colour