The Wishmas Tree 2020 PG

Production still from The Wishmas Tree 2020 / Director: Ricard Cussó / Image courtesy: Universal Pictures Australia / View full image
Gallery of Modern Art, Cinema A
A young Ringtail Possum’s misguided wish for a white Wishmas at the magical Wishmas Tree not only freezes her entire hometown of Sanctuary City, but also threatens the lives of all who live there. A delightful Australia animation featuring the vocal talents of Miranda Tapsell, Ross Noble and Kate Murphy, created by Brisbane-based studio Like A Photon.
Production Credits
- Director: Ricard Cussó
- Producers: Kristen Souvlis, Nadine Bates
- Script: Peter Ivan
- Lead Animator: Damian Pin
- Sound/Music: Ben Stewart, Ack Kinmonth
- Print Source: Universal Pictures Australia
- Rights: Universal Pictures Australia
- Year: 2020
- Runtime: 89 minutes
- Country: Australia
- Language: English
- Sound: Stereo
- Colour: Colour
- Shooting Format: Digital
- Screening Format: DCP
- Animation Technique: 3D Computer Animation