Production Credits

Angelo Che Redime (The Redeeming Angel)

  • Director: Attillo Fabbri
  • Production Company: Milano Films
  • Print Source: Joel Archer, La Cineteca del Friuli, Gemona
  • Year: 1913
  • Runtime: 28 minutes
  • Country: Italy
  • Language: Italian Intertitles
  • Subtitles: English
  • Colour: Black & White
  • Shooting Format: 35mm
  • Screening Format: DCP

La Prigione D'Acciaio (Prisoner of the Owls)

  • Director: Roberto Roberti
  • Production Company: Aquila Films
  • Print Source: Joel Archer
  • Shooting Format: 35mm
  • Screening Format: DCP
  • Year: 1913
  • Runtime: 22 minutes
  • Country: Italy
  • Language: Italian Intertitles
  • Subtitles: English
  • Sound: Silent (With Live Musical Accompaniment)
  • Colour: Tinted Monochrome