hazards of swimming naked

hazards of swimming naked will perform an instrumental, post-rock accompaniment to Man with a Movie Camera that blends the cinematic grandeur of artists such as artists such as Mogwai and godspeed you! black emperor with their signature style that is driven by interlocking melodies and cross rhythms that shift between delicate and bold moments.

Originally from Tropical North Queensland and now Brisbane based, the humidity and vibrancy of the region permeates their music. They have built an international following throughout the US and Europe. From their 2009 debut ‘Our Lines Are Down’ through to the 2018 album ‘Take Great Joy’ and a release planned for 2023, they are crafting a catalogue of introspective, challenging instrumental music.

Production Credits

  • Director: Dziga Vertov
  • Script: Dziga Vertov
  • Cinematographers: Mikhail Kaufman, Gleb Troyanski
  • Editor: Dziga Vertov
  • Print Source/Rights: mk2 Films
  • Year: 1929
  • Runtime: 68 minutes
  • Country: Soviet Union
  • Language: Russian
  • Subtitles: English
  • Colour: Black & White
  • Shooting Format: 35mm
  • Screening Format: DCP