Animation Shorts: Within These Walls All Ages

Production still from Dream House 1983 / Director: Sally Pryor / Image courtesy: Sally Pryor / View full image
12.00 pm, Mon 25 Apr 2022 (49 mins)
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Gallery of Modern Art, Cinema A
A selection of early experimental animations featuring meditations on architectural structures and geometry. These works incorporate both in-camera and film editing techniques, alongside works exploring the then nascent possibilities of 3D computer animation.
Cathedral Forms 1983 dir. Ana Pollak (4 mins)
"An animated exploration of the inner and outerspace of a cathedral, harmonised to J.S. Bach's Magnificat, Gloria Patri." National Film and Sound Archive, Canberra
Dream House 1983 dir. Sally Pryor (2:32 mins)
"A pioneering 3D computer-animated 16 mm film made in 1983 in Australia. A dreamer imagines she can tour her mind, which is expressed as a house. Each room contains objects and activities relating to different aspects of herself. But during the tour something starts to go wrong..." Sally Pryor
Waltz Mambo 1983 dir. Andrew Quinn (3:12 mins)
"This little film brings welcome grace and wit to the high tech world of computer animation." Melbourne International Film Festival
Razzle Dazzle Rhapsody 1992 dir. Michael Lee (14:52 mins)
"Razzle Dazzle Rhapsody" is a purely audio-visual experience free of any ideological agenda. It can be seen as a battle between order and chaos, or a contrast between Euclidean and fractal geometry." Michael Lee
Indefinable Moods 2002 dir. Kathy Smith (7 mins)
"In this work I am exploring dream symbols and landscapes in nature and linking these to the psychological hopes, fears and desires that exist in every culture. My approach to 3D work is greatly influenced by Renaissance and French Romantic painting. Painters of these periods created magnificent oil paintings that alluded to the 3D world through the use of light, perspective and the study of the physical world of nature or desire for movement – animation." Kathy Smith
Suburban Windows 1980 dir. Robert Wyatt (18 mins)
"Impressions of the domestic prison and the suburban landscape through object animation, exploration of sound-image relationships and a variety of other techniques used to non-naturalistic, often humorous, effect." National Film and Sound Archive, Canberra
Cathedral Forms 1983 dir. Ana Pollak (4 mins) "An animated exploration of the inner and outerspace of a cathedral, harmonised to J.S. Bach's Magnificat, Gloria Patri." National Film and Sound Archive, Canberra Dream House 1983 dir. Sally Pryor (2:32 mins) "A pioneering 3D computer-animated 16 mm film made in 1983 in Australia. A dreamer imagines she can tour her mind, which is expressed as a house. Each room contains objects and activities relating to different aspects of herself. But during the tour something starts to go wrong..." Sally Pryor Waltz Mambo 1983 dir. Andrew Quinn (3:12 mins) "This little film brings welcome grace and wit to the high tech world of computer animation." Melbourne International Film Festival Razzle Dazzle Rhapsody 1992 dir. Michael Lee (14:52 mins) "Razzle Dazzle Rhapsody" is a purely audio-visual experience free of any ideological agenda. It can be seen as a battle between order and chaos, or a contrast between Euclidean and fractal geometry." Michael Lee Indefinable Moods 2002 dir. Kathy Smith (7 mins) "In this work I am exploring dream symbols and landscapes in nature and linking these to the psychological hopes, fears and desires that exist in every culture. My approach to 3D work is greatly influenced by Renaissance and French Romantic painting. Painters of these periods created magnificent oil paintings that alluded to the 3D world through the use of light, perspective and the study of the physical world of nature or desire for movement – animation." Kathy Smith Suburban Windows 1980 dir. Robert Wyatt (18 mins) "Impressions of the domestic prison and the suburban landscape through object animation, exploration of sound-image relationships and a variety of other techniques used to non-naturalistic, often humorous, effect." National Film and Sound Archive, Canberra
Production Credits
- Directors: Ana Polla, Sally Pryo, Andrew Quin, Michael Le, Kathy Smit, Robert Wyatt
- Runtime: 49 minutes