Animation Shorts: That’s Progress 1976 – 2001 Ages 15+

Production still from The Darra Dogs Director: Dennis Tupicoff / Image courtesy: Dennis Tupicoff / View full image
Gallery of Modern Art, Cinema A
Unafraid to dive into the murky waters of politics, bureaucracy and ‘progress’, this selection of animations take an insightful look at the societal machinations at play.
Duck Study 2001
"The idea to animate Leunig’s famous characters came from long-time Leunig fans Actor Bryan Brown and LA based feature film director, Roger Donaldson, who thought that Leunig’s lifetime of work should be brought to the screen. Together with Andrew Horne and Deborah Szapiro of Freerange Animation and the talent of documentary filmmakers Katey and David Grusovin, they set about to explore the world of Leunig." The Screen Guide
1 minutes | Ages 15+
That's Progress 1976
"Animated film about the conservation of historic buildings. A young boy who is photographing historic buildings meets Mr Progress who is demolishing them to make way for car parks, high rise buildings and fast food bars. The boy takes Mr Progress on an imaginary tour of the great buildings of Europe, but fails to change his mind." National Film and Sound Archive of Australia, Canberra
10 minutes | Ages 15+
One Man's Instrument 1989
"In this animated short film, a man finds his paradise is literally lost. On a lush banana plantation, a farmer views his crop and plays on his trumpet, coaxing the bananas to grow. Suddenly, on the horizon, a high-rise building appears with a thud and multiplies into more buildings, surrounding the farmer on all sides. All hell breaks loose." National Film and Sound Archive of Australia, Canberra
4 minutes | Ages 15+
Vengeance 1998
"Tells the story of 14 month old Georgia McMurty's dramatic encounter with an unwitting goanna while holidaying in the Australian wilderness. The ensuing media attention and public fascination thrusts the characters into a whirlwind of fame, fortune and controversy." National Film and Sound Archive of Australia, Canberra
11 minutes | Ages 15+
Union Street 1990
"Humorous animated film about an inner city street and the people who live there." National Film and Sound Archive of Australia, Canberra
14 minutes | Ages 15+
Brother 1999
"The biography of a brother, his cigarette butts, asthma and head lice. Brother completes Adam Elliot’s family trilogy that began with Uncle (1996) and Cousin (1998). The cast of characters in this film is fuller and more animated than the earlier films and the director’s voice more confident as he unfolds his story, capturing us with its humour and pathos." Antoinette Starkiewicz
8 minutes | Ages 15+
The Darra Dogs 1993
"One day my five-year-old daughter said that she wanted to have a dog. In trying to explain to her my feelings about dogs, I realised how much the dogs of my childhood still haunted me. These memories were still so clear and strong that I drew them into animated life. These are The Darra Dogs." Dennis Tupicoff
10 minutes | Ages 15+
Production Credits
Duck Study
- Director: Andrew Horne
- Lead Animator: Andrew Horne
- Producers: Bryan Brown, Deborah Szapiro
- Script: Michael Leunig
- Print Source: New Town Films
- Rights: New Town Films
- Year: 2001
- Runtime: 1 minutes
- Country: Australia
- Language: English
- Sound: Stereo
- Colour: Colour
- Shooting Format: Digital
- Screening Format: DCP
- Animation Technique: Stop Motion (Plasticine) Animation
That's Progress
- Director: Paul Williams
- Script: Paul Williams
- Animator: Paul Williams
- Cinematographer: John Collins
- Print Source: National Film and Sound Archive of Australia, Canberra
- Rights: National Film and Sound Archive of Australia, Canberra
- Year: 1976
- Runtime: 10 minutes
- Country: Australia
- Language: English
- Sound: Mono
- Colour: Colour
- Shooting Format: 16mm
- Screening Format: 16mm
- Animation Technique: Hand-drawn Animation
One Man's Instrument
- Director: Max Bannah
- Script: Max Bannah
- Lead Animator: Max Bannah
- Producer: Max Bannah Animation
- Music: Frank Millward, Phil Manning
- Print Source: National Film and Sound Archive of Australia, Canberra
- Rights: Max Bannah
- Year: 1989
- Runtime: 4 minutes
- Country: Australia
- Language: English
- Sound: Mono
- Colour: Colour
- Shooting Format: 16mm
- Screening Format: 16mm
- Animation Technique: Hand-painted Animation
- Director: Wendy Chandler
- Script: Wendy Chandler
- Animator: Wendy Chandler
- Producer: Judi McCrossin
- Music: Felicity Fox
- Print Source: National Film and Sound Archive of Australia, Canberra
- Rights: Wendy Chandler
- Year: 1998
- Runtime: 11 minutes
- Country: Australia
- Language: English
- Sound: Stereo
- Colour: Colour
- Shooting Format: Digital
- Screening Format: DCP
- Animation Technique: Stop Motion (Plasticine) Animation
Union Street
- Director: Wendy Chandler
- Script: Wendy Chandler
- Animator: Wendy Chandler
- Producer: Anna Grieve
- Music: Glen Tabuleau
- Print Source: National Film and Sound Archive of Australia, Canberra
- Rights: Wendy Chandler
- Year: 1990
- Runtime: 14 minutes
- Country: Australia
- Language: English
- Sound: Stereo
- Colour: Colour
- Shooting Format: 35mm
- Screening Format: 35mm
- Animation Technique: Stop Motion (Paper Cut Out) Animation
- Director: Adam Elliot
- Producer: Adam Elliot
- Script: Adam Elliot
- Animator: Adam Elliot
- Print Source: Adam Eliott
- Rights: Adam Eliott
- Year: 1999
- Runtime: 8 minutes
- Country: Australia
- Language: English
- Sound: Stereo
- Colour: Black & White
- Shooting Format: 16mm
- Screening Format: DCP
- Animation Technique: Stop Motion (Clay) Animation
The Darra Dogs
- Director: Dennis Tupicoff
- Producer: Dennis Tupicoff
- Script: Dennis Tupicoff
- Animator: Dennis Tupicoff
- Music: Burkhard Von Dallwitz
- Print Source: Dennis Tupicoff
- Rights: Dennis Tupicoff
- Year: 1993
- Runtime: 10 minutes
- Country: Australia
- Language: English
- Sound: Stereo
- Colour: Colour
- Shooting Format: 35mm
- Screening Format: DCP
- Animation Technique: Hand-painted Animation