Animation Shorts: New Voices Ages 15+

Production still from GNT 2019 / Directors: Rosemary Vasquez-Brown, Sara Hirner / Image courtesy: Rosemary Vasquez-Brown, Sara Hirner / View full image
7.30 pm, Wed 23 Feb 2022 (48 mins)
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Gallery of Modern Art, Cinema A
A selection of works by emerging Australia animators grappling with today's challenges surrounding besties, boundaries, night life, social media and an angry unicorn.
iRony 2018 dir. Radheya Jegatheva (8 mins)
“A film that explores the relationship between man and technology...told from the perspective of a phone.” Radheya Jegatheva
GNT 2019 dir. Rosemary Vasquez-Brown and Sara Hirner (4 mins)
“Glenn is a woman on an unwholesome mission, but just how far will she go to conquer the clique – and social media at large?” The University of Technology, Sydney
The Likes of Brian 2015 dir. Jake Duczynski and Colin Ross (4.30 mins)
“Brian’s just an ordinary guy from Wollongong but when his ‘like’ goes viral, Brian goes psychedelic.” The University of Technology, Sydney
One Thousand Eyes 2019 dir. Nina Blasche (2.15 mins)
“Perpetually confronted by the eager eyes of men, womankind stares back.” Nina Blasche
Bela 2019 dir. Nick Simpson (4.52 mins)
“The biography of Bela Julesz, Hungary's most famous visual neuroscientist, creates a disturbance in the tedious lives of two isolated people.” Nick Simpson
Urbanality 2019 dir. Evan McInnes (3.28 mins)
“Urbanality is an exploration of isolation in our modern environment, our technological obsessions and the resistance we have to change. There is so much beauty to be seen if only we look up.” Evan McInnes
The Granny Flat 2019 dir. Rachel Mackey (7.55 mins)
“Whilst their parents are off trainspotting, two siblings wake to find an elderly woman baking scones in their kitchen.” Australian Film Television and Radio School, Sydney
Off the Rails 2021 dir. Isabelle Coury and Bel Holborow (4 mins)
“Two besties abroad in a Russian city are hustling to catch the last train. When Cookie suddenly disappears, Bonbon is swept up in a chaotic odyssey to find her friend.” Isabelle Coury and Bel Holborow
Peepin 2017 dir. Haein Kim and Paul Rhodes (4.38 mins)
“Dorian is playing ball on her own when she discovers a hole in the wall that reveals a public hook up spot. She runs to show her new discovery to the school’s popular girls Kimmy K and Jae Lee.” University of Technology, Sydney
Welcome to Shmeven 11 2017 dir. Dru Shaw (5 mins)
“After going to the local Shemeven Eleven to get a Slurpee, A little alien boy gets tangled up in a robbery from an Angry Unicorn.” Dru Shaw
iRony 2018 dir. Radheya Jegatheva (8 mins) “A film that explores the relationship between man and technology...told from the perspective of a phone.” Radheya Jegatheva GNT 2019 dir. Rosemary Vasquez-Brown and Sara Hirner (4 mins) “Glenn is a woman on an unwholesome mission, but just how far will she go to conquer the clique – and social media at large?” The University of Technology, Sydney The Likes of Brian 2015 dir. Jake Duczynski and Colin Ross (4.30 mins) “Brian’s just an ordinary guy from Wollongong but when his ‘like’ goes viral, Brian goes psychedelic.” The University of Technology, Sydney One Thousand Eyes 2019 dir. Nina Blasche (2.15 mins) “Perpetually confronted by the eager eyes of men, womankind stares back.” Nina Blasche Bela 2019 dir. Nick Simpson (4.52 mins) “The biography of Bela Julesz, Hungary's most famous visual neuroscientist, creates a disturbance in the tedious lives of two isolated people.” Nick Simpson Urbanality 2019 dir. Evan McInnes (3.28 mins) “Urbanality is an exploration of isolation in our modern environment, our technological obsessions and the resistance we have to change. There is so much beauty to be seen if only we look up.” Evan McInnes The Granny Flat 2019 dir. Rachel Mackey (7.55 mins) “Whilst their parents are off trainspotting, two siblings wake to find an elderly woman baking scones in their kitchen.” Australian Film Television and Radio School, Sydney Off the Rails 2021 dir. Isabelle Coury and Bel Holborow (4 mins) “Two besties abroad in a Russian city are hustling to catch the last train. When Cookie suddenly disappears, Bonbon is swept up in a chaotic odyssey to find her friend.” Isabelle Coury and Bel Holborow Peepin 2017 dir. Haein Kim and Paul Rhodes (4.38 mins) “Dorian is playing ball on her own when she discovers a hole in the wall that reveals a public hook up spot. She runs to show her new discovery to the school’s popular girls Kimmy K and Jae Lee.” University of Technology, Sydney Welcome to Shmeven 11 2017 dir. Dru Shaw (5 mins) “After going to the local Shemeven Eleven to get a Slurpee, A little alien boy gets tangled up in a robbery from an Angry Unicorn.” Dru Shaw
Ages 15+
Production Credits
- Directors: Radheya Jegathev, Rosemary Vasquez-Brow, Sara Hirne, Jake Duczynsk, Colin Ros, Nina Blasch, Nick Simpso, Evan McInne, Rachel Macke, Isabelle Cour, Bel Holboro, Haein Ki, Paul Rhode, Dru Shaw
- Runtime: 48 minutes