Jonathan Jones / Kamilaroi/Wiradjuri people, b.1978; Dr Uncle Stan Grant Sr AM / Wiradjuri people, b.1940 / untitled (giran) 2018 / Bindu-gaany (freshwater mussel shell), gabudha (rush), gawurra (feathers), marrung dinawan (emu egg), walung (stone), wambuwung dhabal (kangaroo bone), wayu (string), wiiny (wood) on wire pins, 48-channel soundscape, eucalyptus oil / Purchased 2018 with funds from Tim Fairfax AC through the Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art Foundation / Collection: Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art / © Copyright reserved / Photography: Natasha Harth, QAGOMA

Jonathan Jones / Kamilaroi/Wiradjuri people, b.1978; Dr Uncle Stan Grant Sr AM / Wiradjuri people, b.1940 / untitled (giran) 2018 / Bindu-gaany (freshwater mussel shell), gabudha (rush), gawurra (feathers), marrung dinawan (emu egg), walung (stone), wambuwung dhabal (kangaroo bone), wayu (string), wiiny (wood) on wire pins, 48-channel soundscape, eucalyptus oil / Purchased 2018 with funds from Tim Fairfax AC through the Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art Foundation / Collection: Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art / © Copyright reserved / Photography: Natasha Harth, QAGOMA / View full image

Jonathan Jones

untitled (giran) 2018

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Tomás Saraceno / Aerocene 2 and Aerocene 1.2 2016 (installation view, ‘163,000 Light Years’, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Monterrey 2016) /Courtesy: Tomás Saraceno /Photograph: Studio Tomás Saraceno

Tomás Saraceno / Aerocene 2 and Aerocene 1.2 2016 (installation view, ‘163,000 Light Years’, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Monterrey 2016) /Courtesy: Tomás Saraceno /Photograph: Studio Tomás Saraceno / View full image

Tomás Saraceno

Drift: A cosmic web of thermodynamic rhythms 2022

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Tacita Dean, b.1965 / Chalk Fall 2018 / Chalk on blackboard / Purchased 2021. The Josephine Ulrick and Win Schubert Charitable Trust Collection: The Josephine Ulrick and Win Schubert Charitable Trust, Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art / Collection: Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art / © Copyright reserved

Tacita Dean, b.1965 / Chalk Fall 2018 / Chalk on blackboard / Purchased 2021. The Josephine Ulrick and Win Schubert Charitable Trust Collection: The Josephine Ulrick and Win Schubert Charitable Trust, Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art / Collection: Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art / © Copyright reserved / View full image

Tacita Dean

Chalk Fall 2018

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Exhibition Themes


Every breath of air is precious, vital to life. Yet because it can feel infinite, we think of air very differently to a resource such as water.

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Our greenhouse planet spins through space, warmed by the Sun and surrounded by a vital mix of life-supporting gases – our precious atmosphere, the air we breathe.

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We are usually unaware of the air we breathe, but might sense it when standing near an air vent.

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We share the air – with one another, plants, trees and algae. With each breath, we take in oxygen created by these companions. Air and life have evolved together on Earth.

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Sometimes what we cannot see makes us anxious. Early in the COVID-19 pandemic we focused on sanitising our hands to remove unseen pathogens; later we studied the invisible spread of aerosols.

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We live in times of great change, ambiguity and uncertainty, as if on the edge of a precipice.

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